
Mike Webber is the owner of Webbfire Virtual training.  Mike is retired from the Ohio State Highway Patrol after 26 years of service.  Since retirement from the patrol, he has worked as an instructor and law enforcement coordinator for the University of Findlay’s All Hazard Center.  He has been involved with video scenario training for over twelve years and has trained thousands of officers on his systems.

Mike has purchased a Ti Firearms simulator, making it available for law enforcement, security personnel and citizens on a rental basis. Ti Incorporated is the undisputed leader in simulation training for law enforcement, security, and civilian personnel.

Contact Us for pricing and more information.

Webbfire Virtual Training is a dedicated group of trainers that utilize their experience and knowledge to enhance the skills of new and experienced shooters with state of the art virtual simulation training. Our staff includes a retired Federal Air Marshal and two retired Ohio State Highway Patrol officers with over 70 years of combined experience. We are committed to providing individuals and groups with an unforgettable highly valued virtual experience that will enhance team building and/or firearms skills.

The Ti Training system is widely recognized as one of the best training tools available to simulate the stress of real-life encounters in a controlled environment. If used correctly, video simulation represents a unique and invaluable tool in the training and education of police and security personnel. By training with Webbfire, you can be assured that your officers will be training with the latest, most comprehensive technology available.

Our system comes with a large availability of weapons. System weapons include an AR-15 assault rifle, two Glock 22 pistols, OC spray, baton, and X-26 Taser. The weapons are received from the manufacturer and retrofitted with a laser and recoil kit. CO2 cartridges provide the weapon with 70% of the recoil of live fire.  They can be programmed to provide officers with the same number of rounds and magazine clips that an officer uses on the street. The operator can create weapon jams that the officer must react to. All weapons are tether-less providing the participant a virtual training experience with complete freedom of movement through the training.

The officers’ marksmanship skills can also be enhanced by using the Lanes program. Instructors can readily address the fundamentals of individual marksmanship by having the officer fire simulated pistol, shotgun, and rifle courses. The instructor can easily identify potential marksmanship issues with each officer by using the system’s weapon diagnostic package.

Contact Us for pricing and more information.

Successful video training requires officers and citizens be exposed to scenarios that are current and pertain to issues and situations relevant to encounters they could experience in the real world.  In addressing this concern, Webbfire Training has purchased a Ti Training simulator.

In addition to our vast selection of scenarios directed at street operations, our library includes scenarios specifically directed toward plain clothes officers, correctional officers, SWAT teams, Homeland Security, and response to active shooters in the school and work place. Our authoring technology allows us to produce scenarios that are designed to provide direction to officers to help them overcome recently experienced problem areas. Our authoring technology also allows us to develop custom designed scenarios around specific issues facing specific agencies. We are constantly developing new scenarios. Our videos address a broad array of subjects including dealing with edged weapons, mentally deranged perpetrators, DUI’s, terrorists, suicidal persons, and many more. We have over 450 scenarios available in our virtual library. All of our videos utilize video branching. The video branching allows the operator to change and adapt the scenarios to the participant’s actions. On average, there are 15 to 25 different variations for each scenario. The branching provides the virtual reality experience that is so essential for effectively training your officers.

Our system also features a shoot back cannon that fires high velocity nylon balls at your officers each time the suspect on the scene fires. The nylon balls are fired at a velocity of 250 feet per second. The shoot back cannon greatly enhances the realism of the scenarios as well as the need for the officer to take cover.

Webbfire Training provides trained operators that transport the portable video scenario system to your agency. Our trainer will train your agency’s training officers on how to use the system. Your training officers will have access to the system on a 24 hour basis for the contracted time period. Typically agencies will rent the system for a two to seven day period. If desired, Webbfire will also provide an operator to stay with the system and train your officers on all shifts.

In an effort to train as many officers as possible, we have kept our prices to a minimal level. Typically, agencies have found that they can provide an hour of training with one officer on the system for approximately $25.00 an officer.

Contact Us for pricing and more information.

The training provided by our system has a proven impact on reducing officer/civilian deaths as well as reducing liabilities incurred by law suits. Coshocton County Deputy John Mosier (retired) has gone on record as crediting the training he received through our video training system as helping to provide him with the capacity to act decisively in making the correct decision to shoot a perpetrator that had previously shot and killed his uncle and wounded his grandmother. Chief Deputy Mosier’s prompt actions ended the shootout and prevented other officers and innocent civilians from being harmed or potentially killed.

Your officers will respond in a real life situation according to how they train. Legal obligations on police and security have increased dramatically to the point where officers are not only expected to perform their duties effectively but also must be mindful of the potential for vicarious liability actions which may result from their incorrect judgment. This is clearly not just a question of the speed or accuracy of the officer’s shot but a question of the officer’s judgment. Our training does not merely train officers to be shooters; rather it creates full-fledged responders. Responders that are provided with training that may save their life or a citizens life in a real situation. We provide training that could prevent your agency from paying out countless dollars in civil litigation. Video scenario training is a proven tool that increases your officers’ survival skills and decreases your agency’s liabilities. Your officers deserve the very best training available.

Our knowledge and experience have made Webbfire a recognized leader in training. We can help you turn your training goals into reality. Our instructors have worked very hard at developing one of the very best video training system programs available for your officers. Please call us today for a price quote or to answer any questions regarding our training.

Contact Us for pricing and more information.